


Our product development encompasses a range of products as diverse as the organisations for which we have developed them. Some examples are:

  • the development of the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework that codifies non-technical skills required for work
  • the development of a national strategic plan and achieving consensus from all relevant stakeholders
  • preparing submissions on behalf of many organisations
  • designing pictorial representations that explain ‘digital literacy’ and ‘STEM’

Professional Development Workshops

In addition to our tailored work for individual clients, we offer workshops that could benefit many organisations. Our workshops include:

  • Thinking and acting strategically in the public sector— designed to give leaders an understanding of what it means to think strategically and how it can be done
  • Managing consultants effectively— for those in government who prepare briefs, select and manage consultants
  • Many Happy Returns— a workshop to help training managers demonstrate the link between training and an organisation’s performance
  • Evaluation to assist public policy-making— a workshop for managers overseeing evaluations or reviews

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